Dagso leverages its wide-ranging experience to design and manufacture its “Robusta” line of pumps for emergencies, taking into account the specific application during fires and floods.

Safeguarding people and the site is the main priority. That’s why we came up with our “EASY” engine-driven centrifugal pumps designed specially for firefighting and civil protection operations.

L’obiettivo principale è innanzitutto la tutela delle persone e del territorio: proprio per questo sono state pensate le motopompe “EASY”, le pompe centrifughe progettate appositamente per la protezione civile e i vigili del fuoco.

Dagso manufactures pumps fitted with reinforced mechanisms for various kinds of emergencies. Their design is based on in-depth research, resulting in excellent performance in a large range of specific uses.
This is one of the reasons why Robusta is recognized as the benchmark in our home market.
Each pump, in fact, is conceived to meet the needs and emergencies of every specific situation. This means we lean strongly toward customization, leveraging the advantage of being manufacturers.
In the area of emergencies, we are specialists in:Per le emergenze, ci siamo specializzati in:

Pumps for flooding

For use during emergencies, to lift primary water and to quickly remove rain or other water, preventing dangerous flooding.

Pumps for fire protection systems

In the case of construction sites, to prevent the work carried out from being destroyed if the situation is at risk of getting worse due to floods, enabling work to continue without delays, such as in train and road underpasses.

Pumps for flood emergencies

To transfer and pump dirty water containing sand or solid particles in the event of flooding caused by rain and/or earthquakes, quickly removing the rain or other water.

Pumps for first aid and fire extinguishing

For first aid situations, to enable immediate access in any circumstance and under any condition, providing a rapid solution for each station and quickly solving the emergency.


Made from anticorodal aluminum material, these emergency pumps are excellent for pumping any kind of water – from seawater to polluted water.
In addition, due to their light weight, they can be easily carried by only two people.
The manageability of Dagso’s pumps for emergencies also makes them an excellent choice to handle less serious situations, such as flooding in basements, underpasses and basins.

Inoltre, il peso contenuto, le consente di essere facilmente trasportabile anche da due persone soltanto.

Le pompe idrauliche per le emergenze di Dagso sono peraltro utilizzabili anche per situazioni meno gravi come piccoli allagamenti di scantinati, sottopassi e bacini grazie alla loro manegevolezza.

Are you ready to buy?

If you want to buy our pumps, contact a member of our sales team to get an estimate based on your needs.
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Dagso has specialized in pumps for a variety of different uses: